Specials 2018


Status: Built
Year: 2018
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Built area: 1.600 sqm
Concept: Youssef Tohme Architects&Associates
Budget: 1.5 mil euro
Partner in charge: Liviu Zagan, Costin Beekman
Team: Alexandra Nicolau

MARe - the Museum of Recent Art - is intended as an incubator for vernacular visual culture, both a platform for rethinking recent Romanian art, and a panorama of the local art scene of the past decades.

 The project consists of adding one floor to the historic building, thus highlighting part of the city’s pre-Communist heritage, and opening the museum toward the surrounding city. The 4m ceiling height on the ground floor is emphasized to create a public space. 

The actual process consists of demolishing the original brick structure and then rebuilding it in black concrete. Decorations and details of the original building are cast in concrete and used in the new structure.